Solve Network and Wi-Fi Problems, Don’t Just Restart the Problem

Categorized:  The Access Blog  |  July 15, 2022

Get to the root of network or Wi-Fi issues quickly and accurately with the built-in remediation tools of an enterprise-grade networking system.

Picture this: A connected home is not functioning as smoothly as it should. Computers, smartphones, and tablets are dropping Internet connections, music and videos are streaming at a snail’s pace, and Wi-Fi light switches, thermostats and other devices aren’t working optimally. When a home network falters, everything connected to it does, too. What’s the best recourse for unruly Wi-Fi? How do you get everything back on track and in good working order?

“Pop the Hood” to Expose Wi-Fi Snags

We have been trained to tackle the problem head-on with a sweeping reboot of the entire network. While this approach seems logical and might remedy issues for a short time, more often than not it just restarts a problem timer and the same Wi-Fi challenges crop up again … and again … and again. Nathan Holmes, Senior Manager, Training at Snap One, parent company of Access Networks, explains that a blanket reboot usually won’t fix what’s really ailing the network.

“It’s like resetting the check engine light of a car. The light eventually pops back on and you’ve never addressed the real problem. It’s a band-aid solution, not a permanent resolution, and the more you run the car without identifying the root cause, the worse off your engine is.”

– Nathan Holmes, Senior Manager of Training at Snap One

A similar scenario unfolds when rebooting a home network. The actual culprit is never identified, the real issue never resolved, leaving the network to limp along, growing increasingly unstable, and unreliable. Even worse, critical cybersecurity and firewall settings can be jeopardized, rendering your home infrastructure and the devices connected to it open targets for hackers. Reboots can also reduce the lifespan of network routers and switches along with erasing important documentation from a network’s data logs—the very same information needed to find and remedy issues.

Perform a Thorough Inspection of Connected Devices

Unsavory situations can be easily avoided by keeping your hands off the reboot button and first analyzing the network performance of each connected device. This approach requires the handiwork of a professional, but it’s well worth the effort and expense. “In the long run, it saves time spent on endless service and maintenance, end-user frustration, and costly hardware replacement. It’s also a better practice for systems integrators. “When integrators spend all of their time dealing with network problems of current customers, they’ll be hard-pressed to drum up any new business,” Holmes says. “Poor reviews and word-of-mouth referrals from customers won’t help either.”

Trade-Up to Enterprise-Grade Networking Equipment

So, what’s the answer? How can systems integrators gain the level of visibility required to inspect each connected device on a home network? By upgrading to an enterprise-grade networking system.

Unlike basic consumer-grade networking equipment, enterprise-grade networking components are engineered and purpose-built to provide detailed insight and be easily monitored and managed remotely from anywhere. Professional integrators can analyze the performance of each device, accurately diagnose problems, and resolve them immediately—no rebooting necessary. Not that an enterprise-grade network will need much TLC. Built with increased hardware resiliency and advanced firewall and cybersecurity protection, it does not experience many of the issues that plague consumer-grade networking systems.

By enabling efficient, accurate troubleshooting and remediation; remote configuration, service and maintenance; and built-in safeguards against cyber-attacks enterprise-level networking systems go beyond a blanket reboot to achieve the networking speed, reliability, and consistency modern households need today.

Contact us to learn more about upgrading to an enterprise-grade network today!

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